Feeling emotionally, spiritually, or behaviorally STUCK in ministry?

Get to the bottom of it

and repair the damage. 

A Done with Stuck Pastor Cohort is a 7-session group experience that gives you a safe place to be radically honest, make sense of your struggles, and reclaim your identity.

You give your life away

to others for a living.

That means you need some

life left to give away.

We all know it’s not an easy time to be a pastor.

Maybe you’ve found yourself questioning your calling, resenting those you lead, or isolating from your team or friends.

And there’s no shortage of reasons to cycle through…

“I just need more discipline”

“It’s just a tough season”

“This is just the job—it’s not supposed to be easy”

“I’m just an Enneagram [ ]…”

“We just haven’t dialed in our systems yet…”

“If my team weren’t so unhealthy…”

But didn’t Jesus endure the cross because of the joy set before him?

Aren’t we supposed to be able to serve the Church and not lose our faith in the process?

If your life of self-sacrifice is

leading to self-destruction…

something. is. wrong.

It can feel impossible to find real help as a pastor.

Whether it’s a habit you can’t kick, overwhelming anxiety, or a never-ending destructive pattern, everyone’s struggling with something.

Sure, you can help others through their junk… you do that all the time! but who can you go to with yours?

As a pastor, there are layers of complexity and confusion that might be keeping you frozen…

🤷🏽‍♂️ Who is safe to tell?
🚫 I’m a pastor, I can’t struggle with that…
🤐 Will I get fired for having thoughts like this?
🤦🏽‍♀️ I should know better…
😖 How haven’t I fixed this yet?

We created a space designed just for you.

You’ll have an efficient and proven pathway to new levels of self-awareness and actual tools that help you heal.

You’ll have a small handful of fellow pastors who are for you, who understand you, and who aren’t your boss, co-worker, or volunteer.

You’ll have a dedicated trauma-informed coach who will ask the hard questions, guide you toward new insight, and fight for the

We’ll learn together how to answer the 6 key questions that get you to the bottom of whatever you’re struggling with and lead to lasting change: 

So how does a Cohort work?

Micro groups of pastors from around the country meet 7 times over 12 weeks.

If you’ve got a friend (or a few) that you want to be in a cohort with, we encourage it!

You’ll work through our Done with Stuck Roadmap—a 6-step biblically-based, trauma-informed process that will help you get to the bottom of whatever it is you’re struggling with (really, we mean anything).

For each meeting, you’ll come prepared having…

📺 watched the content (about 30-40 minutes split into shorter segments)

📝 done the self-reflection work (1-2 hours - this is the real work)

☎️ completed a check-in (meaningful accountability and relationship building in the off-week)

The real goal of it all is for you to go through the next (probably challenging) year of ministry with…

🔋 a full tank

🤝 effective people in your corner

❤️‍🩹 a new understanding of what your heart really needs

No more suffering in silence behind a happy pastor face. It’s time to give yourself the same help and care that you give others.

This isn’t a quick fix or another bible study.

It’s a whole new way to think about change and experience the grace of God.


that’s biblically-based, trauma-informed, and jam-packed so you’ve got plenty to chew on


to help you internalize and personalize what you learned - the answers to your issues are inside you, and we’ll help you find them


with 2-3 other pastors in a group specially designed to help you safely share your experience and build trustworthy friendships that last


to help you shake up your normal routine and turn your insight into experience

I’m going to miss the team aspect of this. It’s like running cross country - I miss having a team to go run with. I don’t know how I would’ve done this alone… with help, it’s so much easier to know what’s normal, ok, or just crazy. Going through with the group really helped me learn how to slow down and prepare for things instead of gathering up enough steam to just blow through it.

Nick Lenzi

This is something that I’ve never had in my 7.5 years in ministry. I never had a community of other guys that I could be transparent with — I don't think it was ever really offered to me. In previous churches, it was easy to kind of slip by and remain unnoticed. Whereas now I'm one of three full-time staff members, and my emotional health is very important — not just for my home life but for the health of our church. I need that community.

Austin Rath

Going through with a group and coach was crucial. It’s called a blind spot because you CAN’T SEE IT, no matter how hard you try or how much work you do. I needed other people to speak honestly and gracefully to help me see it.

Steve Curran

What’s The Roadmap all about?

The Bible has always said our problems always start in the heart - and modern brain science and recovery principles have helped us see that the Bible was even more right than we knew.

The Roadmap gives you a reusable process for identifying the core heart issues hiding behind the emotions and behaviors that we actually see.

We’ll teach you how to start treating behaviors, emotions, and triggers as evidence that will lead you to the “bottom of things.”

And you won’t just find those core issues; you’ll begin repairing the damage that’s been done and moving forward courageously alongside friends who are learning how to encourage and empower you.

Here’s a big-picture overview of The Roadmap:

  • Focus // Understanding God’s intended destination for our lives and acknowledging the missing pieces

    Key Point // Shalom looks like a life of rich and meaningful complexity in balance - and it’s only possible through relationships with God and others.

    Key Learning // Joy and Attachment are neurological necessities that God wired into us. They are the major missing pieces that we need to rebuild to move toward Shalom.

    Path to Move Forward // We must honestly assess the state of our lies and begin to rebuild joy and attachment.

  • FOCUS // Understanding our behaviors and what they’re trying to tell us

    KEY POINT // Our behaviors are the evidence of what we believe we need.

    KEY LEARNING // Dopamine gives us insight into what our behaviors are doing FOR us and how our cravings affect us

    PATH TO MOVE FORWARD // We must take ownership over our behaviors and honestly investigate them.

  • FOCUS // Understanding how our emotions influence our behaviors

    KEY POINT // Positive and negative emotions are a gift from God, and they’re usually sending us important messages about what is helping or hurting us.

    KEY LEARNING // Emotional Memory systems in the brain attach dangerous memories to relevant negative emotions and unconsciously protect us from them.

    PATH TO MOVE FORWARD // We must learn to name and feel our big emotions so we can dig for the dangerous memories attached to them.

  • FOCUS // Life has taught us what to believe about ourselves, others, God, and the world

    KEY POINT // Words and wounds can corrupt our beliefs, causing an unhealthy relationship with negative emotions and resulting in destructive behaviors.

    KEY LEARNING // Beliefs are the foundational, neurological mental maps that we use to approach and perceive the world.

    PATH TO MOVE FORWARD // We must identify and challenge our corrupted beliefs so that we can adopt the beliefs that Jesus himself lied with.

  • FOCUS // Understanding how to repair the origins of our corrupted beliefs

    KEY POINT // The past continues to control us, whether we realize it or not, until we intentionally break its hold.

    KEY LEARNING // Grieving, forgiving, and repenting are three ways we can begin repairing the origins of our corrupted beliefs and breaking the hold of the past.

    PATH TO MOVE FORWARD // We must confront our dangerous memories and painful pasts and ask God to meet us there with new experiences full of grace and love.

  • FOCUS // Understanding how to move forward with ongoing repair work in mind

    KEY POINT // After dealing with our past, we need a new plan to deal with our beliefs, emotions, and behaviors as we go.

    KEY LEARNING // Our brains continually need new evidence that reinforces true beliefs and combats corruptions.

    PATH TO MOVE FORWARD // We must practice courageous vulnerability, disarm our alarms, and metabolize our emotions as we go.

👀 Want a sneak peek?

Check out part of the first stop on the Roadmap: DESTINATION ↗️

Meet Your Facilitators

Tommy was a pastor for 8 years at Mission Church in Ventura CA, overseeing assimilation, groups, adult ministry, and pastoral care. He is a trained relapse prevention coach and lover of all things sci-fi. He’s a life-long learner who obsesses over making hope more practical and tangible for people who need it.

Lauren is a pastor's kid turned kids pastor, Enneagram 9w8 "aggressive peacemaker," Certified Neurocycle Facilitator, and constant home RE-decorator. She’s a wise empath with passion for the lost, broken, and left behind.

“During our time in ministry with some of the best Christian leaders in the country, we experienced something surprising. Somehow, just learning about Jesus and forming some new relationships that focused on him fell short of helping people transform.

We realized that we were missing the practical TOOLS to help people (and ourselves) break free of destructive life patterns and experience the freedom that we were all trying to find in Jesus.

We hit our own season of burnout and got some of the best help we could have asked for. It was the first time we began to see just how much we had left to learn and how much we had to unlearn personally.

We started sharing all the new resources and tools we had found… and knew we had to find MORE ASAP. We found our way to recovery experts and leading neuroscience research. And all along the way, we saw that SO much of what is working in the world is like a modern day translation of what Jesus taught and lived.

The Done with Stuck Roadmap is the tool we were searching everywhere for as pastors, and now are so thrilled to bring to you.”

  • Here’s what a few past participants wanted to say to anyone considering the Primer:

    “It would be greatly beneficial for EVERYONE - these life skills are so badly needed in our society. Our marriages, families, AND relationships would look so different if we all knew how to process our traumas, hurts and life challenges daily as we’re hit with them - not years later when more damage has been done.”

    • • • • • • • • • •

    “If you're willing to own to how you view the world, people, your emotions, and situations, are looking to improve upon yourself and your life, have someone to go through this with, and are willing to be honest/vulnerable with one or more other person(s), this is for you.”

    • • • • • • • • • •

    If you’ve got questions of any kind or want to get a better picture of how The Roadmap might help you specifically, shoot us an email.

  • Technically, you don’t have to… BUT, we couldn’t recommend it any more if we tried.

    No one changes alone - we all need the outside help. But that kind of vulnerability can be uncomfortable - or just plain old frightening. That’s why we created this space, just for you. Strong guidelines and guardrails for these conversations that will be VERY clear up front. Things like no advising, no interrupting, and only asking clarifying questions of each other. Even just those make it a safer place to just get the stuff that’s bottled up inside OUT.

    And, you’ll have a facilitator that’s totally focused on YOU, encouraging and challenging you along the way so you have the best possible experience.

  • As pastors ourselves, we built The Roadmap with your church in mind! Instead of writing another book to read or another conference to attend, we wanted to create something that added value to your life and role as a pastor and mentor. We want to amplify your impact unlike anything else that’s out there right now.

    Read more about the unique pastoral system we developed to fully utilize this content (and more) →

Don’t wait any longer to experience the fullness of grace you need.

What’s the Investment?

✅ Lifetime access to the Roadmap // $67
✅ 7 Fully Facilitated Meetings // $525
✅ Full Text Support between meetings // $54
✅ Up to 3 one-on-one check-ins // $225

Total Value: $871
Your Investment: $520

New Cohorts begin on a rolling basis.